Friday, September 11, 2009

Just gonna 'big up' my son for a minute

This morning, I got a lovely message from a fellow etsyan, He's blogged about the above shrug, but he also put this lovely note with his message.
You're in my blog! love your store and your creations! so feminine and lovely.By the way, your photos are a work of art. I understood from your profile it is your son's? He should consider opening a store just as well!I think a photo like the 1st one of this item could sell just as well. So refined!
How nice this person took the time not only to read all of my profile, but to also tell me how great my son's photography is.
Jordan's been doing my pictures now since April, and I tell him every time he helps me out, that he should consider taking up photography, it seems so easy for him, Often he's in such a rush to take my pictures, cause he's going out, or just come in, and can't be bothered, but knows I'll pester him, so he gives in, He just leans up against the wall, camera in hand, and nonchalantly snaps the shots. The images in my store, are completely as he took them, the most I've ever had to do is just crop the edges, Non of the images been photo shopped, or manipulated in any way.
I dare say, he won't take up photography, at least not yet, But I do think his life's path will lead him there one day.
BOY BOY to Jordan. XXX

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Ami's Treasury made it to the FP

This lovely curated treasury, belongs to Ami, check-out her lovely jewellery shop here
Anyway it made it to the Etsy Front Page yesterday at around 11.30am,and stayed there for about an hour and a half, I got in excess of 1,700 views, lots of convos, hearts, and a sale. (Thank you hun).
Ami's been making some really stunning treasuries of late, so it's of no surprise that Etsy Admin picked her latest to feature in the grand position of what is an exciting place to be THE FRONT PAGE. :-)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Follow your intuition

So yesterday, it was the most beautiful, warm sunny day here in london.

I'd knitted all morning long, and at around 11.30 I thought I'm going outside to knit, To sit in the grounds of our flat.

so I checked my orders and what I could knit up whilst outside, I knew I should knit one particular order, but I figured there was no point, as I wouldn't have it finished in time for the post later that day, So I looked for another order that could be completed within a couple of hours.

so I picked this cream shrug. the order had only come in the night before, and was listed as made-to-order will take 2-3 days to dispatch, hence that wouldn't need to go in the post until Friday.

But I thought ah not to worry I'll do it anyway.

So I heads off, knits up the shrug. enjoys the sun, then came indoors to start stitching and packing up orders for the post office.

So on checking the address for the cream shrug, I notice there's a note from the buyer, (I'm so rubbish sometimes at checking these notes) well she'd only written, can you please have this to me (in the USA) before the 19th, as I'm going to wear it for my wedding.

Well you can imagine my relief, and of course my sense of accomplishments of listening to my intuition. The shrug went in the post, via speedy delivery, Communication with the customer later meant she forwarded me the additional funds for extra post costs, and all being well my customer will have her bridal shrug way before the 19th.
So on this occasion my intuition worked, and wasn't mislead by brain which might on another occasion, have interrupted with 'reason'

i'm in the mood for dancing

I thought I'd just share this with you.
Yesterday, I took my usual daily trip to the post office, (it's the only time I get out these days)
During which my good friend Natalie, called me, (she's about to become a house hold name, as tesco's and waitrose have signed her up to supply her tasty dish - I'll blog about this in the next few weeks) so anyway we're in the middle of chatting about waitrose, when her dish will go in-store etc. so it's quite a serious-ish convo. Then all of a sudden, i walk past 4 women who are sat outside our local dance studio. - the dance attic - I fink, I know that women, (she's dragging on a cigarette, oh and that women, and so on. I quickly interrupt my friend, and say OMG I've just walked past the Nolan Sisters. Well it was like we were two school kids again, we both creased up laughing so much so, we couldn't talk to one another for minutes. I
suspect our fit of laughter had nothing really to do with the Nolan sisters (I mean they're not that funny) instead was more about our excitement for her utterly delicious dish and it's success.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Are you a hoarder

Just a little story for you.
I buy yarn, like it's food, I compulsive shop on the net for it, and obviously can't walk past a yarn shop without coming out having spent way to much.
Well my brother will remember this part of the story well, the above yarns I first bought when I started knitting some 4 - 5 years ago. From my most favourite yarn shop in Wales, I bought a pack of each colour, knitted a couple of shawls from it, and before the week was out, I'd sold these shawls. Luckily my brother was coming to visit me the following weekend, so with instructions, to both him, and the yarn shop, and lots of wonga passing hands, he happily brought with him the stash, I tell you when he arrived with the yarn, I'd bought 50 packs of each colour, and there are a dozen 50g balls in each pack. OMG if you could have seen his car, he couldn't even see out of the back window. HAHA
Well I reassured Timi and my son (who's room I was about to stash it all in) that's I'd knit it all up, and not to worry.
So here we are, just over 5 years later, I was convinced I'd used the last bag of each shade.
yes all 100 bags, 1,200 balls.
So imagine my delight when on Sunday I had a little rummage through my huge recycled fireworks box which lives in my bedroom, and holds a mass of fabric, findings, some of my 1000 or so yarns, and basically anything I might need to keep me busy. I thought I'm sure there is one more bag left at the bottom.
With the biggest smile, I found another half dozen or so bags,
So yeah I guess I am a hoarder, but for good reason.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

apparently I'm a knitting fairy :-)

I thought I'd just share this with you, it made me smile first thing this morning, A prospective customer, who's in the midst of placing an order wrote this to me. :

'hi, OH MY GOODNESS!!! i found your shop and am convinced you are a knitting fairy....i am blown away by how exquisite, yet totally hip your designs are, i adore everything'.
Not only did this message make me smile, but yesterday, the word 'hippy' kept ringing in my head, some person, some while ago, suggested my style was hippy. I've mulled this over and well, all I could keep coming up with is 1. the person clearly doesn't know anything about style. and 2. she probably wouldn't know hip if it hit her in her face.
So my little karma god clearly felt my discomfort with these words ringing around in my head yesterday, and sent a little note via my new customer, who unbiasedly, referred to my designs as 'hip'. :-) what's the chances of that ah. so today I don't have the word 'hippy' ringing in my head. :-) It has suitably been replaced, with 'knitting Fairy'

Etsy FP 4/9/09

This was on the FP on Friday night, a treasury curated by Get Ready,Set,Go (GRSG)this is her shop.
She makes some really cool looking treasuries, and so often they appear on the FP, and well it would seem I'm one of favourite choices for inclusion, Practically every week she writes me, and tells me she's put me in her latest treasury. - thanks GRSG it's much appreciated.