Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Oh YEAH 700 sales

Today I reached a recorded 700 sales in my etsy store. Whoooppeeee. I'm over the moon,
The waistcoat above is what made the magic figure. I'm in awe at the success my designs have had and I totally love everyone of my 700 customers. A lot of sellers on etsy send special gifts to customers who purchase on the 100, 200 etc. I on the other hand won't be doing this, as this customer is no more special than all my 700 special customers. And well I'd be a poor lady if I sent them all a special gift, But I do regard them all as special, and thank each one of them for keeping me designing, and knitting. :-)))


Bigbluebed said...

Well done on 700 sales. that is brilliant.

cherylline said...

Thanks BBB. I've got permanent grin on my face --> :-))))

We Make London said...

Well done that is fantastic.

AMIdesigns said...

Well done you! 700 is something to be proud of :)

AMIdesigns said...

By the way, I have tagged you :)

cherylline said...

ARGGHHH,,, OK, I'll do it later Ami. Thanks ' I think' :-)