Thursday, December 3, 2009

today i will be mainly shopping

So what should be my busiest day for knitting, what with the WeMake fayre tomorrow and my lack of stock, I will instead be shopping in Oxford Street.
My sister is heading down here for the day for some retail theraphy.

my shopping list goes likes this.
a new dust bin
vanilla candles
new knives and forks
A new kettle - my red russel hobs broke after just five months arghhhh.
one pair of those lovely boots I posted about in November.
Brown paper bags for WeMake
a couple of t.shirts
and anything else I fancy.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Today I bought this.

Looking out my window...Silver (fits S- L)

For me this will be a perfect little summer dress, and being the person that I am, I always buy out of season, it's very rare I'll by a summer outfit in the summer, or a winter outfit in the winter.