Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sorry for the lack of posts

I was on the ETSY FP on Monday night and Tuesday, the bottom image was on Tuesday at around 9.30pm GMT time, and wow I had about 2,000 views, 46 item hearts, a bucket load of convo's apart from queries on items, etc, I had a loads of lovely people telling me how exquisite my cardigan is, (thank you to them ) and something like 53 shop hearts.
In comparison, the top image was on ETSY FP on Monday night/Tuesday morning at around 1am, I'm not sure of the stats, but from what I remember only about 5 item hearts, and around 12 shop hearts, but sales were rocking, 8 in total.
So far up to 15th September, I'm in utter disbelief at how popular my items are, I've sold 77 items in 15 days, I didn't think it possible to beat my Record breaking August, but it looks like September is out to crash my previous record.


AMIdesigns said...

Oh my goodness! You are rocking indeed!
I was on the FP twice this week too (they seem to be featuring a lot of UK curated treasuries at the min) and the difference in views and hearts is incredible depending on the time of the FP

cherylline said...

Yeah I've noticed the views = times Ami it makes a huge difference, Well done on your FP features to, Etsy are liking your stuff ;-), and well you know I'm loving your beautiful treasuries, you're making some really stunning ones of late. And big hugs for regularly featuring iLE AiYE it's much appreciated.